
The Blacklist 2009...with a grain of salt

As years go by and this list becomes more prominent, the mudslinging among writers who feel slighted by the guy who compiles it grows. Frank Leorard, the brains behind the list is seemingly a mythical figure. He doesnt promote th list in any way except by the fact that he has set up a an official website. No red carpet. No champagne bottles. To him he was just trying to find some good screenplays to read and in the process promote writers. What started as a noble venture has come to be something larger than the craft itself. Every year around December, there's some buzz among industry people. The Blacklist is coming soon! And when it does come,the dirt comes to fore faster than one can read all the loglines on the list. I have followed the Blacklist since 2007 and have made the point to read the scrits that most raise my interest - crime dramas and biopics. There is one thing that I have come to understand and appreciate - most of the screenplays that i picked were damn good. So i wondered why all the boohoo about some screenplays getting slighted in favor of others? I came to one conclusion - writers need to sleep at night - they need to reassure themselves that they are good. Am sorry, not everyone makes the team there has to be someone who watches from the stands. So occasionally, I will  post a link to a Blacklist 2009 script that struck me. this is after i have read it. I willl leave a brief thought about it (not a review) just a thought. And you make the calll whether the screenplay deserved to be on the List. Remember the list is not the 'best of' it is the 'most liked'.

The Blacklist 2009

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